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'We Bring The Kingdom of Heaven' Deserae Arboleda

“The kingdom is not discovered in one place or another,for God’s kingdom realm is already expanding within some of you.”– Luke 17:21 TPT

Last year I had a dream that upended my understanding and lifted the call higher, to truly live my life surrendered and laid down for Jesus, and the transformation that is possible when we do so.

The beginning scene of my dream was set back in a time period long ago, and I had sold myself into slavery. There was a horse drawn cart that people were being loaded into, families were being torn apart, many were crying as they were sold into slavery. So many deep, painful and  sorrowful emotions as you could imagine. But I had chosen to be there, I chose to sell myself. While everyone was filled with anguish, I had a deep unexplainable joy and peace. I knew the gospel was going to be preached and those who had remained unreached, would no longer remain in the dark. I knew I was carrying the answer for those sold into slavery and the slave owners alike. 

I was purchased and brought to a tavern to work for a horrible taskmaster. He was indescribably hateful and abusive in every way one could imagine. I endured so much, but through Christ as my source of supernatural love and strength I always remained in love and honor. Truly empowered by Him, I could see through the lens of Jesus’s eyes when it says, “It was for the joy set before Him that He endured the cross” (Hebrews 12:2) It was as full an immersion into the “baptism of His sufferings” as one could get, and yet still fully aware of the pain that so fueled by the Spirit of God to release His love and plan.

All at once a massive fight broke out between the taskmaster, myself, and the rest of the tavern. There were weapons of all kinds, brutality in its full display, mayhem and violence. I was being thrown around every which way, yet oddly enough, it was as if I wasn’t really fighting at all.  Like I was fighting back without actually fighting – without throwing a single punch! 

At one point I stood up to gather myself and realized more than half of the tavern was fighting with me. At that moment there was a hush that fell over the entire establishment, only a few remained on the side with the taskmaster. When the few had observed that the majority of the people were standing with me, a supernatural shift happened in the room. They began to drop their weapons and let go of their clenched fists, one by one. Where there was hatred and anger,   now a tangible peace. Then a supernatural wave of love, kindness and consideration flooded the tavern and the atmosphere was completely altered and changed. 

It was at that moment someone yelled from the back of the room, “The Spirit of Revival is not here (yet)”! And with that, the Spirit of Joy took over the room and everyone ran over to the bar. The bartenders could not pour out the liquid gold they were serving fast enough… It was a stampede!  I rushed over to ask the attendant the name of the beverage, he replied, “River of Living Peace.” 

In the dream Jesus was giving me a real and yet very extreme picture of what it looks like and the cost of laying my life down to see and to partner with the heart of the Father to see His kingdom come. To see those who were broken and in bondage set free, because of one selfless act an entire people group that was steeped in darkness came to the revelation of God and His love. While I did not fight as the world fought, I did indeed fight, and my weapon was love. 

Love Is the door to His transforming power being activated in our lives. When we come into the understanding and revelation that the kingdom of God is already at work and expanding in us, we can then grab hold of the heart of God and see His transforming power work in and through us. In our families, our homes, our workplaces, and our spheres of influence. I hear the words of Jesus, “only just believe.” Only just believe that His kingdom is in you, ever increasing, ever expanding. Only just believe! 

I believe we are in the beginning of an era like no other,  where we will NEED to be fueled with supernatural joy and sacrificial love. Living and operating in the fruits of the kingdom of God, which is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit (Rom 14:17) knowing that with Him all things are possible, we will see the transformation that His kingdom brings as it is established in and through us. Are we ready to lay our lives completely down? Are we truly offering ourselves as living sacrifices daily unto Him? Not only in obedience, but with an absolute love and passion for Him, so others will come into that same love and restoration. 

As I meditate on this I am reminded of a powerful lyric in a song, “There’s a YES in our hearts and it carries through eternity, simple obedience changes history.” I believe He is filling those who are willing with a supernatural grace unto a ‘YES’ that will change history and it will echo throughout eternity!

I pray His grace invades you and His Spirit of Faith fills you today, and I decree over you that the Spirit of Revelation opens your understanding to the eternal reality that His Kingdom realm is expanding in and through you! That heaven is invading earth through you! That His transformation is coming through you! It Is Christ in you and Christ through you. 

“For in Him we live and move and have our being”– Acts 17:28

Deserae Arboleda is a key member of the Patricia King Ministries family. She was hand-picked by Patricia to serve as one of the lead Pastors of Shiloh Fellowship – a church with both a global and local outreach. She was also commissioned as a prophetess by Patrica King. She is a passionate worshiper and loves to engage with the word of God for His people.

This month, Deserae shares an encouraging word and decrees to help us live and operate in the fruits of the kingdom of God, which is righteousness.

Deserae Arboleda


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