As we worshiped on Sunday, our atmosphere aligned with Heaven. Here is a portion of the prophetic revelation that came through this portal.
I encourage you to meditate on these words and declare that God’s blessings over your life will be seen and honored.
“The enemy is trying to hide how blessed you are, but I Am decreeing that this will be a week that the veil is pulled off of your blessings, and you will see the blessings that the enemy is hiding.
Get ready, as you keep stepping forward, the enemy will move out of your path, and what he has held captive will be transferred to you!
“I Am lifting you out of the middle of your turmoil. I Am lifting you up -- don’t let the middle confuse you. I will meet you in the middle, just as I met them halfway across that sea when the storm came.
I will meet you … take your step toward Me. I will meet you, for the other side is speaking clearly to you. Just as I met Moses and said, ‘Stand still, lift that rod and lift your hand, and watch Me overtake Leviathan as you cross over to the other side,’ I know how to get you to your other side.
Let Me lift you up from what seems to be blocking your way.
“I Am allowing My people to redeem the time, and I Am even turning back the clock on your appearance and the organs in your body. You won’t look or feel the same -- I Am giving you back your youth. I’m reversing what seems to be set against you.
I Am reversing and causing you to return to a place that I once set you forth from. You will accelerate now, for I Am TIME, and I can return you and get you quickly to where I would have you be.” (Chuck D. Pierce, Michelle Hadley)
Keith Pierce recognized the presence of three angels sent from the Lord and prophesied, “Listen to the fluttering of the wings of the first angel I have sent. I have sent him here today to heal the joints of many in this house and on the web.
Where joints have gotten dry and inflamed, listen and receive the fluttering and you will see a new movement in your body where you haven’t moved before. I have sent a second angel as a healer of the emotions. Many emotions have gotten out of balance and out of My timing and placement. Listen to the flutter of the wings, and you will see time heal.
What yesterday traumatized will be brought forth in a solidarity for tomorrow. I have sent a third angel to heal the hearts of many. There is an impurity that has run through the veins of My body. I have come to touch it with insight, revelation, and wisdom to bring it out of a place of despair and to restore faith.
There is a sword from this world that has been placed in this heart, and I have brought My angel to replace the sword with the healing finger of God. Lift up your hands, and you will receive the fluttering of the wings over you that will bring a life-changing effect to you so you will be able to arise, step, step, and step again.
When you put your foot in the Jordan of death before you, you will see it split, and the fullness of the promise begin to pour out for you.”
Chuck Pierce