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'The Turnaround Has Begun!' Amanda Grace

Praise be to the Lord of hosts most high, who rules from a throne of righteousness; who is perfect and holy in ALL of His ways. Blessed be the name of the Lord, for He is good. His mercy endures forever and to His Kingdom there is no end! The Breach Has Just Begun to Turn And the Spirit of the Lord says this day, "The BREACH in your nation has just begun to turn... THE BREACH HAS BLOCKED THE NATION FROM A COMPLETE TURN AND BIRTHING WHAT I, THE LORD, HAVE SPOKEN FORTH. HOWEVER," says the Lord, "the breach has begun to turn! Going into this turn, there will be pressure, there will be resistance; HOWEVER," says the Lord, "put your mind to diligently work and to diligently seek ME, the Lord your God, for I am a rewarder of those who diligently seek Me!" The Spirit of the Lord says this day, "You are seeing the rumblings, My children, just the rumblings – the tremors – before the shaking, before the turn. For you have just entered a BIG TURN, for I the Lord your God have begun to raise a standard in your nation. When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will raise a standard against him. That standard has indeed begun! And those I have anointed in leadership will have to come up to this standard if they intend for Me, the Lord your God, to bless their leadership. For they will not lead if they do not come in alignment with this standard," says the Lord. To the Wicked Leaders The Spirit of the Lord says this day, "As you have rejected Me, O you wicked leaders, you wicked governors – those in the you have rejected ME and USED My name for YOUR FURTHERANCE, so I the Lord have now REJECTED YOU! You shall see this in the Northeast," says the Lord. "You shall see this on the West Coast," says the Lord. "You shall see this toward the middle of your nation, for I the Lord have rejected them. "They can warm that seat all they want, for that seat will throw them down," says the Lord. "It is coming. It is not over," says the Lord. "For they have taken what is not theirs. They have attempted to usurp. They have utilized devious methods to cause a mirage and illusion that they are the rightful owners of those seats." The Sound of the Abundance of Rain The Spirit of the Lord says this day, "I hear the sound of the abundance of rain. It has merely begun to form a little, and then it shall grow; it shall expand. And at MY word, you shall see the drought end and the rain come, and that will be the indication of another changing of the guard," says the Lord. Watch the Mounties in Canada The Spirit of the Lord says this day, "The Mounties in Canada...just watch, for the seats of those leaders have begun to shake. O Canada, cry out to Me, the Lord of hosts, King of kings, for the winds of change have begun to blow into your nation, and leaders will be unseated in unusual ways. You shall hear them say, 'This is so unusual! How could this be?' For MY WAYS are higher than your ways, and MY thoughts higher than your thoughts." (Photo via Pxhere) The Lord Is Appointing the Zerubbabels in This Hour The Spirit of the Lord says this day, "There shall be paths carved to leadership. Unexpected..." says the Lord. "You shall see the unexpected. You shall see sudden shifts – 'uncoverings' that will carve paths to leadership that were not seen before. For I THE Lord your God am appointing the Zerubbabels in this hour – governors who will raise up a standard and hold that standard that I the Lord have begun to raise. A cry shall come out of the House. A cry shall come out of the House," says the Lord. "For that has just begun to turn," says the Lord. A Snatching of the Most Coveted Seats - Thieves Shall Be Robbed! "A process indeed, " says the Lord. "A process indeed has gone forth, and I the Lord shall snatch the most coveted seats away from the ones who THINK they are secure. "Oh, you think in your flesh you are secure," says the Lord, "that you have manipulated events and circumstances to secure such a seat. However," says the Lord, "your seats are far from secure, and they shall be snatched from you! For what has been hidden away will be brought out into the open. What has been stolen shall be stolen from them. The thieves shall be robbed themselves," says the Lord. "All for 30 pieces of silver you have brought condemnation on your soul, heaping coals upon your lives." Turning Back the Clock The Lord of hosts says, "I am going back and beginning a rectification and a realignment of what came out of joint as the millennium turned and the '2000' on your clock began. I am going back," says the Lord. "I am rectifying and re-ordering what has caused a chain reaction through the years to what you see before you. Look Beyond the Rubble "Serve Me in the land of captivity, for I am your Deliverer, your Strong Tower; I am an ever-present Help in times of trouble. The elections are not your salvation," says the Lord. "I the Lord am your Deliverer in this! I raise leaders up and I bring them down," says the Lord. "My plan is unfolding, and it will take great faith from the people to look beyond what they see; to speak in faith what they see, beyond the circumstances; to declare it boldly as this breach has begun to turn, and the repairs shall begin," says the Lord. "Nehemiah was sent of ME to repair the wall, the breach and the gate. He was appointed by ME, the Lord his God, to rebuild what was rubble – what others saw as not worth the effort. He saw beyond the rubble and the brokenness and had a mind to work and rebuild; and no matter the threats and the plots against him, he diligently continued. And as that happened, I the Lord brought the plans of the wicked to nothing and frustrated them so that they could not execute their plots! "I the Lord am calling forth the Nehemiahs, the Zerubbabels and the Ezras to encourage the people; to rally them; to teach them how to diligently work; to run the race; to press toward the mark of the high calling! Come up higher with Me, My children, and you shall see how I see your nation. For I go beyond what man would deem 'intelligence'; I go beyond intellect; I go beyond what you see before your face, for I AM GOD AND THERE IS NO OTHER!" To the Leaders Who Have Been Stolen From, Ostracized and Smeared The Spirit of the Lord says this day, "O you leaders who have been stolen from, who have been ostracized, who have been smeared: STOP TRYING TO DO THIS IN YOUR OWN STRENGTH. STOP TRYING TO VINDICATE YOURSELVES IN YOUR OWN STRENGTH! CLOSE YOUR MOUTHS AND LET ME, THE LORD, SPEAK FOR YOU. HUMBLE YOURSELVES BEFORE ME AND SUBMIT! DO NOT FIGHT THE YOKE, FOR SOME THINGS HAVE BEEN UNNECESSARILY PROLONGED," says the Lord! Cleaning House and Reigniting the Church "I AM," says the Lord. "I AM, and I WILL have My way," says the Lord. "However, this is a process. The people must learn – the Church MUST LEARN – to not just sit there and turn a blind eye to wickedness, to what is unholy. They slink back as if they have no authority. They teach the people to ignore and it snuffs out their light. "However, I the Lord am going to reignite the fire in the Church. I am going to give them a desire to operate in that authority. However, there must be a changing of the guard first, for there are too many leaders doing deeds in the darkness and then speaking about the light as if they KNOW ME. Depart from Me, you workers of iniquity, for I NEVER KNEW YOU. [There has been] too much intermixing of what IS NOT OF ME with what is of the filth of this world, and it has created a gross concoction that is causing brambles in the souls of the people. (Photo via Wallpaper Flare) "Get the speck of dust out of your own eye before you can remove the log from your neighbor's eye," says the Lord. "However, many of you have logs in both eyes, and have filled yourselves with intoxications of the enemy that are not of ME. And I, the Lord, am bringing rectification and a hard adjustment to the Church, as the Church should speak boldly the Word of God; they should be utilizing the sword of the Spirit. They should not be welcoming the ways of Moab and the ways of Sodom into MY HOUSE," SAYS THE LORD. "And this will change suddenly," says the Lord. "A sudden gust of wind will knock much out of MY HOUSE that does not belong. Watch and see," says the Lord, "for it is almost upon you. The hour has almost come."

A Collapse in Europe and a Light Out of Europe The Spirit of the Lord says this day, "A collapse in Europe across multiple countries... For there is a 'bearing down' on Europe, and the leaders are desperate. And fools will rush in and make deals with devils that will oppress the people. However, there shall be a light out of Europe. A nation shall raise up a leader that fears the Lord, and that leader will be a beacon of light, a light on a hill that other countries shall take notice of, and some will follow suit; for Europe is in danger of a deep freeze on many fronts," says the Lord. "Do not allow the enemy to become your salvation, for there is a way," says the Lord, "to circumvent the clamps that have been put upon you. The leaders who look to ME WILL SEE IT. For it is unusual, but it is the way to circumvent in this hour. Poles shall arise in Europe; a 'ski' shall arise in leadership. I the Lord have called them and appointed them for such a time." Take Courage! The Great Push Has Begun The Spirit of the Lord says this day, "Take courage. Do not allow hopelessness to set in now, for the great turn and the great push has begun... A blow to the head for one in high office...just watch, for it shall rattle the hub." A Change in Direction The Lord of hosts says, "I am turning you, My children, as well – a change in direction. While some are heading right for Sodom, as Lot so headed to the way of sin, those I have truly anointed – I am changing their direction. You shall go the way of the Lord. You shall see gates open," says the Lord. "You shall see the strongholds come down. You shall see promotion in this hour, and favor. For the favor was upon Abraham," says the Lord, "not Lot. And who is who shall be made clear as you go forth into a new arena, for I have trained you well for this hour. I, the Lord, have equipped you. I, the Lord, have positioned you. And you shall go forth for My glory, knowing, My children, that I the Lord am with you even until the end of the age. And your path is becoming straight, while those who have mixed tonics – their path they have entered is jagged and crooked. The SON Is on the Horizon! Watch for Another Historic Ruling "I am your Comforter, I am your Father and I am instructing you. Open your ears to listen to what the Spirit has to say, for I the Lord say it is a new day for you. The SON is on the horizon after a very dark season. The light has just begun to break forth. Receive it as I the Lord raise a banner in your lives and in this nation, for it is Mine to give; it is not the enemy's to take. "And another ruling is coming from the judges I have anointed that will be historic and turn the breach even more. Watch, it is coming. Rejoice this day, for I have made it, and know that I am on the throne! Thus says the Lord of hosts, in the name of Jesus Christ who sits at MY right hand, amen."

Amanda Grace


Prophetic New Year

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