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'The Lord Speaks Through Color ' Chuck Pierce

I love how the Lord speaks to us. His Spirit has diverse ways to express His will. Penny jackson sent the following. Remember His manifold wisdom, is multi-colored like Joseph’s coat. Read this and watch how He can express Himself to you.

Recently I noticed someone sharing images on FB, and included with them was the app name, “Happy Color.” Curious, I looked it up to see what the app was. It turns out that it’s an adult coloring book, a “color by numbers” where you click in the circled numbers at the bottom and find where you need to click to fill that space in with color. I enjoyed it this past month with all the holiday options.

And it’s amazing with some of the pictures marked “rare” because the colors aren’t just single colors but a mix. Hard to explain. I’ll include a photo of one in progress.

In the game, the numbers at the bottom go away once you have completely used that color. With some colors, the spaces are obvious, and quickly the number disappears. With others it is a challenge because there might be the most minuscule little section overlooked. One click in a patch the size of nail head, and the whole number disappears.

I don’t know why God uses the things He does to talk to me, but He does. One year I asked Him why I liked Minecraft so much. He said, “Because you are a builder.” Last year He showed me about puzzle pieces and and our often being in our right place but are just waiting the pieces around us to fit in.

And now He is showing me through this coloring app. Some situations in our lives can be dealt with easily, quickly and obviously. We see the problem in its entirety and can move forward. However, we struggle so with other situations, never seeming to find a solution. But there is one thing…that one piece that, when found and dealt with, will cause everything to resolve quickly. We may have to search for it, but it’s there.

While I am not one to make resolutions, the year end can definitely be a time of reflection, so this was a timely message for me. I think my days of coloring may end with the holiday season, but the Lord just kept speaking this, so I am passing it on.

Chuck Pierce


Oil of The Month

Fire On The Altar

This oils is an Anointing Oil for Renewal in the Pulpit

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