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'The Eagle Will Fly and The Lion Will Roar Again' Veronika West

A powerful Vision.

The Golden Eagle of Ireland will fly again — the great Lion of England will roar again!

So last night in a Prayer Meeting, I was taken into a powerful Vision where I saw a Golden Eagle on the side of a high mountain, and it was hidden from sight under the cleft of a large rock.

As I looked at it, I knew by The Spirit of Revelation that what I was seeing was Prophetically Symbolic of The Nation of Ireland, and I heard these Words,  ”The molting season of the Golden Eagle — for a Nation hidden in darkness shall arise and shine in glorious light and all nations shall be drawn to its rising!”

Now, the first things I saw in the Vision were the Golden Eagle’s piercing eyes, which were a beautiful deep golden hue.

Then my attention was drawn to the rest of its face, and its face looked bare, and the absence of feathers on its face struck me.

Then my attention was drawn to its large and powerful wings, and I saw that the feathers on its wings looked sparse and disheveled — large gaps between its feathers revealed raw skin.

In that moment I could suddenly and tangibly feel the vulnerability and the fragility of this mighty bird of prey.

Then a deep sense of desperation almost overwhelmed me — a desperation to see this mighty Golden Eagle rise up and fly, and yet I knew by The Spirit it was in a Sacred Place, a place of Spiritual Metamorphosis where a divine and supernatural work of great Transformation, Reformation and Renewal was taking place, that would soon give way to even greater life, Power and Manifest Glory!

Now, as I drew closer in the Vision, suddenly I could see new and soft feathers that had started growing in the areas where the old feathers had fallen away, and a sudden surge of radical hope and expectation filled my heart.

This powerful Golden Eagle — weak and so vulnerable — was on the brink of a powerful resurgence, and I heard these Words,  ”A New Wineskin is now emerging!”

Ha!  This was not unto death — but unto new and greater life and Kingdom Identity and Destiny!

But then suddenly, I saw in the distance what looked like large black birds, and I heard the sound of these birds shrieking, and as they flew towards the mountainside, and as they drew nearer, I could see that they were vultures and they began to circle the mountainside.

I knew by The Spirit that this was a Warning of the demonic plans and purposes of the enemy that were being formulated and fashioned against what was about to be birthed in The Nation.

But then I was taken high above the mountainside, and it was as if I was now looking through the eyes of the Golden Eagle, and as far as my eyes could see, I saw The Nations of the earth standing before me, and I heard these Words,  ”Watch — and get ready — for the Golden Eagle of Ireland will fly again and go forth to The Nations of the earth!”

But then the Vision shifted again, and suddenly I heard the sound of a Lion’s roar.  Its roar was loud, clear and distinct, yet its roar sounded weak and distant.

However, the sound of its roar reverberated deeply in The Spirit Realm like a n urgent warning that drew my spirit in, and suddenly I was taken over The Nation of England.

The first thing I saw was a large male Lion, and I knew that what I was looking at was Prophetically Symbolic of The Nation of England, and what I saw, shocked, shook and startled me!

I saw a Lion that was totally emaciated!  It was so thin and gaunt that its ribs were showing through its skin.

Its large mane looked sparse, dirty and shaggy.  Its large head hung so low that its mouth almost touched the ground.

Its eyes were sunken and dull.  It moved slowly, as if each step was a battle and a struggle to take.

I couldn’t believe what I was seeing!

This powerful and majestic beast, once so great, a king among Nations, now looked vulnerable and weak.

The mighty Lion of England had become easy prey for the beasts of the field.

But then suddenly I heard what sounded like the sound of laughing, and I recognised the sound immediately, having been brought up in Africa.

The sound was only too familiar, it was the laughing of hyenas, and suddenly I saw that the Lion was surrounded.

It was in great danger.  It looked outnumbered and surrounded by cunning and hungry predators.

In that moment, as I felt an urgency to pray and to cry out for mercy, I heard these Words,  ”Watch and pray — for The Nation of England now stands at the door of great danger and destruction.

But if My Ecclesia arises and takes its place and begins to govern and legislate, and seeks My Face in true Repentance and ask for The Secret Strategies of My Glory for the hour, the enemy shall be driven back in defeat.

For I tell you — watch and pray!   For the jackal spirit has been unleashed upon the nations!”

Again the Vision shifts and I was then shown The Nation of Wales, and I saw a dragon circling, and I heard these Words,  ”Revelation 12 — Watch, for the dragon is circling at a time of birthing and the eye of leviathan is upon The Emerald Isle!”

Then God showed me a great move of His Word and Spirit that shall come forth once again from The Nation of Wales.

I saw that as the altars were being rebuilt and restored across The Nations, so the Wells of Revival would be uncapped!

Then I heard,  ”Get ready!  For a great move of God’s Glory is coming to The Nations of the earth in the coming days that shall shake, shock and shift nations awake!”

Finally, I submit that as The Ecclesia rises to take her place in this Land to rebuild the broken down Altars, we will see the Golden Eagle of Ireland fly again and the great Lion of England roar again to the Glory of God among The Nations!


Blessings to you all.~ by Veronika West


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