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'Rich Strike Wins the 2022 Kentucky Derby: The Powerful Prophetic Message' Johnny Enlow

Johnny ( In one of the biggest sports upsets in history, 80-1 odds, late entry Rich Strike, won the Kentucky Derby this past weekend. The race is full of prophetic messaging. The race announcer never even saw Rich Strike make his late move and only at the last seconds let out, “Oh my goodness, the longest shot has won the Kentucky Derby, in a stunning unbelievable upset.” Another reporter said, “This is the shot in the dark heard around the world. He is a dream turned into a destiny, a tale of happy-happenstance and pinch-me improbability."

Here are the key names and numbers and then we will break them down. Rich Strike is owned by Rich Dawson and Red Racing, trained by Eric Reed and ridden by Venezuelan Sonny Leon. The horse was #21 even though there were only 20 horses. Ethereal Road was not able to run and so Rich Strike as the first alternate had the opening he needed to prove to the world that on this day he was the best of them all. He won the race in 2 minutes and 2.61 seconds beating out all the favorites and notably #3 Epicenter. It was the first big race of their lives for owner, trainer and jockey. A horse named Summer is Tomorrow had a key role in this race that we will address later.

Rich Strike equals Strike it Rich: God is About to Interject

Strike it Rich means “to be suddenly and unexpectedly rich”. This is a present word from God about what He is in the process of doing. It is at a much greater level than just satisfying a lust for money. It is about Him restoring fortunes. About Him rescuing needy people. About Him providing for ruined cities and nations to be rebuilt. Rich Strike descended from a Dam named Gold Strike and was related to both Secretariat and in a more distant way Sea Biscuit. He had the pedigree but having lost his previous 5 races, including a 5th place finish to Epicenter, it all conspired to make him a forgettable last minute entry— until he suddenly won. Rich Strike was apparently made for this Churchill Downs track as last September he won the only win he has by a whopping 17+ lengths. Rich Strike ran with a red face cover that had a big R on it, and red was clearly the dominant color for both horse and jockey not to mention the red coated and red tied owner and really entire entourage.

R’s and Red: Revival, Reformation, Renaissance— God’s Reset

The R and the Red color are significant. The R speaks of God’s Reset that He is superimposing on the cabal’s Reset attempt. The R is also for Revival, for Reformation, a coming Renaissance, for the Red Sea deliverance moment upon us (obviously the R and the Red meld here). It could be seen as the Red and R in Republican fortunes but only as they align with President Trump. The Republican Party as a Party is scarcely less compromised than the Democratic Party, and treason and cowardice are throughout as even the stunning documentary 2000 Mules reveals. The RINO’s (Republican In Name Only) are worse than the openly evil Democrat leadership (yes I said it) as the betrayal and cowardice is always at critical times.

The R’s also speak into Russia and the Ruble as Reuters last week listed it as the best performing currency on the planet. This would seem to be entirely counterintuitive and flat out impossible in the light of the supposed “world” targeting them for financial destruction. As they have taken on the unenviable task/battle of eliminating many "home based" operations for the world cabal in Ukraine they have strengthened themselves economically and now seem to be totally gold-backed in a fiat-backed world economic reality. This is speaking into the great thing God is orchestrating on planet earth that is prophetically revealed with this Rich Strike win. Ukraine has been rife with human trafficking, trillions in money laundering, and the epicenter for the most dangerous bioengineered pathogens. The cabal has been making it its base of operations since decades ago and there is a reason the evil and corrupt “mainstream news" is daily bashing Putin, who is literally saving his own nation from extinction by eliminating the dangers in the Ukraine.

Sonny Leon: The Lion of the Tribe of Judah

Venezuelan-born jockey Sonny Leon has already been noted as having run the most perfect race ever. He was dead last or two or three from the back for more than two-thirds of the race. In several interviews Sonny stated how he had to “run with patience” as that was the strategy. Let the extremely fast pace of the lead horse wear out the field and be prepared to make a late move weaving through the traffic of 20 horses. He executed his plan perfectly and was at his fastest at race end, blowing by Zandon and Epicenter who thought it was between the two of them. For inspiration pleas see the race videos as they will excite you.

As it is not too hard to figure out, the word Leon means Lion in English. Sonny is Son. In Revelation 5, there is the thrilling visitation of John to heaven where he sees the reality of the seven seals no one is worthy to undo. A legal document that shows that “7 Mountains” authority on earth has been lost and no one can even unseal it. Then suddenly authority lost in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve sinned was regained through what the Lamb (verse 6) did at the cross. Verse 5, lets us know that this Son of God "Lamb" was actually "the Lion of the Tribe of Judah", who through His sacrifice eliminated any legal right that the ruling mafia in media, the economy, government, arts and entertainment, education, family, religion (i.e. the 7 mountains) had to continue “killing, stealing and destroying”.

This too, is being prophesied through this most recent Kentucky Derby. The Lion King is riding His horse and He has been totally undervalued and discounted as He runs with patience (Hebrews 12:1). The crowd, the media, the odds-makers and the announcers, all have their eyes set somewhere else but this Lion King already paid the legal price at Calvary with His own blood that this illegal, Luciferian, mafia have no more right to continue in their orgy of death and destruction. This Lion King came that we might have "life in abundance” and no longer exist in survival mode. As Revelation 5 goes on to tell us, the purpose in Him leading the charge is verse 10, “And have made us kings and priests to our God. And we shall reign on the earth.” This is not an impositional “reign” over people but a reign over straight evil. God’s sons and daughters carrying His nature and His way of doing things into every area of society. As Proverbs 29:2 tells us, when good people are ruling the nations rejoice. This fulfills His first message to us, “YOU are the salt of the earth, YOU are the light of the world”. We must expand His reach outside of the 4-walls of the church into all spheres of the 9-5 world.

Horse #21: Riding God’s "Agenda 21”

Much has gone on into exposing the dark and sinister “Agenda 21” as well as all the accompanying dark agendas (yeah, I know about Agenda 30). The difference between when God has an agenda and when Satan has an agenda is that God always executes His agendas. Rich Strike ran as one of 20 horses. He was #21 and he is the announced winner in ’22. I like that. Almost like the VIP in the stands at the Derby named Trump. As a reminder last years' Kentucky Derby winner Medina Spirit was only this year stripped of his “win” based on cheating with illicit steroidal material that was measured in the trillionths! A trivial violation when compared to just what we see in the 2000 Mules documentary which has 4 million minutes of massive election violations. From here on every day the Supreme Court, the FBI, the Department of Justice, Governors, Secretary of States, Election boards ignore what is blatant proof of mind-boggling ballot trafficking and vote rigging, is another day that proves they must ALL be removed and perhaps eliminated from institutionally existing. Their actions are determining that right now. Any one with the fear of God in any of those institutions make your move of proof of that NOW. We may be down to the Sheriffs now enforcing the arrests of the violators and protecting the American people. May they arise now with integrity and courage.

Revelation 21 is a chapter that focuses on “all things made new” as the New Jerusalem from heaven descends. Rev. 21:21 speaks of “the street of the city is pure gold” bringing us back to the wealth theme. Psalms 21, is thematic about God’s victory and verse 3 “You set a crown of pure gold upon his head”. Verse 11 speaks into our day, “For they intended evil against you, they devised a plot (yes the “conspiracy theory” has already been proven to be a “conspiracy reality”) they are NOT able to perform.” John 21, is about casting the nets to the right and such an abundance of fish that it threatens to break the net. Verse 11, here says there were 153 large fish and they represent the 153 “sheep nations” that are now going to form after having this Luciferian, Kazarian, Rothschild, Central Banker mafia removed— using His Isaiah 45 “Cyrus” of our day.

80-1 Odds: Moses and Psalm 80

“Give ear, O Shepherd of Israel, You who lead Joseph (provision) like a flock; who dwell between the cherubim, SHINE FORTH!” Psalms 80:1. No coincidence that the only chapter 80 in the Bible has this as its first verse. Then there is the reality that Moses was 80 years old when he went to Pharaoh and said “Let My People Go!” thus inducing the whole Passover rescue operation of heaven. Interesting that Rich Strike was sired by Keen Ice who was the only horse to ever beat American Pharaoh.

2 Minutes, 2.61 seconds: Isaiah 2:2 and Isaiah 61

Isaiah 2:2 tells us that “in the latter days the mountain of the house of the Lord will be exalted on the top of the mountains, and all nations will come running to it”. Who has to be removed from the “top of the mountains”? The Luciferian/Khazarian mafia that is presently fighting tooth and nail to stay there. They won’t.

The 61 is a very important number as it takes us to Isaiah 61 and the central reason and purpose of the Rich Strike that God is orchestrating. The entire chapter is worth reading and relevant but then especially the first 6 verses. Verse 1, speaks of being “anointed” by the Spirit of the Lord God “to preach good tidings to the poor; …to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of prisons to those who are bound.” Verse 2, is about “the acceptable year of the Lord” being proclaimed. Verse 3, about “beauty for ashes”. Now the key verse 4, "And they shall rebuild the old ruins, they shall raise up the former desolations, and they shall repair ruined cities, the desolations of many generations.” The nations of the world are in intentionally orchestrated devastation. The Central Bankers Rothschild-Mafia has for several hundred years made this intentionally so and the why we are needing a Lightning Rich Gold Strike from our God to disempower them forever and to allow the restorative promises of Isaiah 61 to be activated. Verse 6, tells us that these new priests of God will be in fact Ministers of Wealth tasked with rebuilding ruined societies. “You shall eat of the riches of the nations” is their promise and if that were an undesirable thing in God’s view it would not be stated as a promise from God.” Him pouring out wealth on and through His kingdom assets is specifically a key way He pours out His glory. Look at the word Glory in Isaiah 60 and 61 and see how often it is directly talking about wealth and riches. You can have Revival without wealth but you can not have Reformation or Renaissance without it. We want to the full Glory of presence, power and provision.

Ethereal Road: Heavenly Way

It was the departure of the horse Ethereal Road that allowed for Rich Strike to run the race. The word “ethereal” means heavenly, or perfect and often speaks of being too ideal so as to be improbable. For our purposes, I am saying that it will be an act of heaven that makes way for this Rich Strike that enables an Isaiah 61 day of the vengeance of our God. The “improbable” opening of a way for a new world economy run by some kingdom concepts and precepts of total transparency. A heavenly quantum financial system is in the orchestration of the moment and where men would fail God will not. One of His names is Jehovah-Jireh (the Lord who IS provision) and He doesn’t just provide for emergency bills and survival but can fully fund the rebuilding of the nations and the reformation and establishment of righteous institutions on the 7 Mountains.

Epicenter: Wall Street Will Shake

The favored horse Epicenter totally ignored Rich Strike until it was too late. The word Epicenter is primarily associated with an earthquake and tells where the focus of the shaking was. I looked up Merriam/Webster's definition and “coincidentally" its’ first example for another way to think of Epicenter was “Wall Street for example might be said to lie at the EPICENTER of the financial world.” In this race Epicenter represents Wall Street in a big way. Wall Street and the NYSE is going to be dethroned from its place of preeminence. It will be allowed to exist under many new rules, mandates and guidelines but in the short run it is going to be “shocked” and brought to its’ knees. The deep state manipulators are being removed and as that happens there will be significant market instability— BUT REMEMBER the Sonny Leon/Lion King is going to be riding His “21” agenda towards a Rich Strike designed to help and restore the maximum number of people possible. If you are a righteous person you will find yourself not losing resources in the longer run but if you are part of the cabal cog of things expect to lose a lot or everything. Especially if you are involved in the hedge fund end of things. A target is on your back and the Lion King put it there. Turn from your wicked ways now and there is mercy.

The R and the V: The future is Gold-backed Assets

I talked about the R earlier. The V is from Venezuela. Remember Sonny Leon is Venezuelan and in a response to a reporter he spoke to his nation and said “Venezuela this is for you”. Trainer Eric Reed said through a reporter “America this is for you”. Both are right. There is a promise for Venezuela that comes from this parabolic Kentucky Derby. If there ever was a nation that found itself with “ruined cities” because of cabal orchestration it is Venezuela. God is going to do a Rich Strike on behalf of Venezuela. Impossible you say? You just watch. Other intentionally devastated nations such as Iraq, Vietnam, and Zimbabwe, etc. will also be keynote in the global recovery brought on by God’s Rich Strike. Many have heard for years of the term RV which speaks of the revaluing of world currencies. What was not understood is that the Epicenter of “wealth as usual" had to be shaken and currencies had to be brought into a place of being back by gold assets. It was thought and taught that there is not enough gold to back world currencies. There is. It is being stripped from the criminal Luciferians (Vatican and London City components) who had over 90% of the total and good people have had trust funds building for generations waiting for such a time as when this Khazarian mafia would be removed. This all falls within the Cyrus assignment of Isaiah 45 (v.3) “I will give you the treasures of darkness,and hidden treasures of secret places” — and you know who Cyrus is.

Summer is Today: Run Patiently

A very key element of this Kentucky Derby was the pace set by a horse named Summer is Today. This horse was catalytic towards the first quarter mile being run at a record time. In fact several announcers called it a “suicidal pace” as the horse pack get into the race way too intently and way too soon. When horses run too fast at the beginning it can leave them tired before the important stretch run. The field was wore out by the “rabbit" pace set by the appropriately named Summer is Tomorrow. As you know Summer is NOT tomorrow and when you try to hasten Summer it can wear out you. This is a word for all of us. In His time God accelerates things. Meanwhile, we have to be prepared to run with endurance and patience. We are definitely close to the end of the present storyline playing out before us but let us all respond to the Sonny Lion/Lion King that is riding us. We want to have that final burst of speed to be in synch with Him as He makes His run for the roses.

-Johnny Enlow


Dr. Renny McLean Kingdom Power and Glory Leadership Encounter Leaders for the Kingdom He Bring a Kingdom emphasis and unity to the region Dr. Renny McLean carries an anointing for impartation for leadership in the Realms of Glory UNITY is a KEY For the Kingdom Come Kingdom Minded and Ready to be dispatched as Kingdom Ambassadors. You will receive tools and IMPARTATION for this type of leadership calling No longer talking about the Kingdom BUT BECOMING the leader of the Kingdom Dr. Theresa Phillips is the author of The Monarchy of Heaven A Royal Priesthood 12 Chapter in learning the Governance of The Kingdom. Dr. Marina Mclean is Minister of heaven in the earth, A Songstress Recording Artist Author and Psalmist. The Kingdom Is Expanding The Glory is His Presence This invitation is EXCLUSIVE Limited seating Dr. Renny McLean Dr. Renny McLean Dr. Renny McLean is defined by his peers as one of the most prolific and prophetic, and apostolic voices for the nation. London born, Jewish and Jamaican descent. Dr. McLean was called to ministry at the age of ten. Through several angelic visitations, God made a demand on his life through one final visitation outlined in his first publication, entitled "Eternity Invading Time." His second publication "Portals Into the Miraculous", is a devotional to walk in the supernatural. His third publication "Unlocking The Dreams" has been a tool to help the believer become more sensitive to their encounter with God. Dr. Mclean has been given the ability to make the supernatural practical to people who believe there is something more. Dr. McLean holds a Doctor of Theology degree from Cannon Bible School and a Doctor of Divinity from Friends Christian International University

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