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'Mercy Is Falling Like A Heavy Rain'Kathi Pelton

I hear Lord saying loud and clear, “Come before My throne of grace where mercy is being poured out like a heavy rain.”

Hebrews 4:16 says, “Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”

Let’s be clear— mercy is undeserved. You cannot earn it or work for it! It is freely given to those who do not deserve it because of His compassion, faithfulness and love. At the throne of grace both mercy (compassion and forgiveness) and grace (unmerited favor) are awaiting those who will approach.

Some of you reading this are in a moment of desperation and need— you may possibly be needing help that you know is undeserved. He is waiting for you to come humbly before His throne of grace to receive all that you are needing.

Remember, this is what He said, , “Come before My throne of grace where mercy is being poured out like a heavy rain.”

Begin even now to release thanksgiving and praise for His mercy that will saturate your life and your need. The floodgates of mercy are opening to you because He is full of love and compassion.

Mercy is falling like a heavy rain bringing forth a flood of mercy and grace. This flood will cause dead things to wash away and will bring the water that births new life. I also hear Him saying, “The water is breaking and the birthing of long awaited promises are now coming forth. Push in praise!”

Miracles are coming with the outpouring of mercy! What you can not do for yourself will be done for you as you approach the throne of grace in faith. He is Your answer and He waits to show compassion to you.

The cries of today’s Hannah have been heard and will be answered, the stones in modern day David’s slingshots have gone forth in faith and will take down the giants, the arks of modern day Noahs will carry many to safety and salvation, and the obedience of today’s Moses’ will deliver many from slavery and oppression. He will do it again! He has not changed— get ready for more that you can ask for or imagine.

“Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:22-23

Declare with me, “Great is Your faithfulness and love for Your people!”

Kathi Pelton


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