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'KISS THE SON!'Denise Sylvia Bekker

A Supernatural Kiss of Two. The year 2024 and the Hebrew year 5784 . A dynamic shift is taking place. A pivotal, two witness significance of Kingdom Government and the Cloud of Witnesses. As it is in heaven so on earth. New dimensions have been paved, revealing the Wisdom of God. This ‘Kiss’ in the Realm of The Spirit is a catalyst for the Mystery of Christ that is overshadowing His Bride as a type of New Baptism of moving from glory to greater glory. The ‘Kiss’ of Jew and Gentile..The Sun and the Moon and hallowed activation of the Government Star of Twelve. His Crowned Cosmos, this is the New Day Awakening! In the Upper Room there came a sound like a mighty rushing wind and tongues as of fire sat upon each of them. A New Sound is Forming, the Sound of a Mighty Army. Those who have ‘Kissed the Son’..having been transfigured by the renewing of their mind. A regeneration baptism by ‘live coals’...fiery stones taken from the Altar of His Incense Glory.

They touch the Mouth (Pey) of this Decade. New Era Word shall blow forth in Mighty Creational Power. Word of God, impregnating, having catalyst power that will catapult The Joel Army - bringing in The Greatest Harvest! A New Creation Army of Double Portion of Holy Fire. Tongues of Fire and Fire Coals/Stones of Wisdom and Revelation.

Rev 10:11 Then they said to me, You are to make a fresh prophecy concerning many peoples and races and nations and languages and kings.

For Now the ‘Upper Room’ is a Universal Network of Unity and One Accord! The ‘Kiss’ where two mouths have come together. Hebrew - Kiss - Nashaq - Be Armed (Array for Battle), Kindle a Fire! The Spiritual Mark of New Era activation! Now is the Season to embrace the mystery of Christ. The heavenly hosts are witnesses, looking unto the Mystery of Jesus being made known. A Kiss is significant of ‘coming near.’ As it is in Heaven so on Earth. The Spirit and The Bride say Come, even so Come. The calling forth of the restoration of All things and the fulfilment of the Wisdom of God to make known the Mystery which has been hidden. We are a l generation that God has raised up for such a time as this! The Bride holds the ‘Scroll of Wisdom.’ It is amazing how Wisdom is referred to as in the feminine! The Kiss of the Gregorian and Hebrew New Era has released a new pouring forth of secrets, wisdom and counsel to those God has entrusted. Kiss the unity and one accord. Cosmic revelations, and mysteries of the Crown Stars! ‘Kiss’ towards Him! The key that unlocks portals of hidden revelation. (Isaiah 22:22) Worship is the translation of two combined Greek words, meaning, toward, and to kiss! Surrender to Worship..Kiss towards The Son, Jesus! The Wind of Kisses is blowing! Let him kiss me with the kisses of His mouth....This is a New Era of The Mountain of Spices, Mystical Revelations and the Sound of a New Song!

The Year of Open Doors! Come Up Here!

Song of Songs 1:2 Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth— For your love is better than wine.

Psalm 2:12 Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, And you perish in the way, When His wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him.

Denise Sylvia Bekker


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