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Writer's pictureGlobal Prophetic Voice


Hello my friends, Today I'd like to just share my heart for a moment with you. It's about a 5-7 minute read but I believe if you read to the end, it will be worth your time and change something in you, to help you think of yourself more as Abba does! This will result in wholeness and full joy.

A word for you today...

He is searching. He looks over all creation every new morning, seeking those who will hear Him, seek Him, and see Him. Who submit in spirit and in truth. A generation who is WILLING to be led by the Spirit. A people who because they are willing to be led by His Spirit, are called sons and daughters.

Simply put, He's looking for someone who loves Him in truth, and out of relationship, wants to fulfill His desire.

He so desires to move through you, to reveal His heart and finished work of redemption, drawing all people unto Him. Wooing them through love that comes through your vessel!

What He does in the earth, comes through man(men and women). This is because He gave dominion to man and whatever a king says, is the law. This is why Jesus had to come as both a son of man and son of God.

He's looking for you today. He wants to use you in reflecting His heart to a generation that feels lost and orphaned.

This should be encouraging, especially for those who feel insignificant. If you understand the truth of the reality that God of all creation is seeking you, to fill you with His love for you AND to love through you, then you will walk intently, full of joy in being used for His plan.

AND YOU WILL BE MORE BLESSED. It is more blessed to give love than to just receive love. Giving love increases your joy, so this desire to move through you is not just a desire to draw all men unto Himself, but to bless you in the process with joy unspeakable and full of glory.

You have a purpose! This is the ministry of reconciliation we are called to; that we'd reveal His redemptive, irresistible, love drawing all.

But there is a lie that is an enemy to His plan.

The Lord desires to deal with this enemy that tries to overtake us through truth, RIGHT NOW if you will hear and see.

Let me just take a moment to say, my heart is beating harder than an earthquake as I realize I am speaking the words of our creator. It's a fearful, holy assignment to me. Not fear that is scared but a heavy responsibility to correctly translate spirit, into words our minds can comprehend. I'm doing my best my friends and listen for Him through these earthly words. With humility and trebling, I digress...

The enemy the Lord want's to overcome through truth right now, is insignificance. Satan knows if he can cause you to feel this way, you won't be available for Abba's purpose of revealing His love. After all this time, satan still thinks he can win. What a fool.

Here's a Holy truth that brings victory over purpose-stealing mindsets...

INSIGNIFICANCE is a LIE. Our father hates that lie.

That feeling of insignificant comes from an orphan spirit and I feel Him wanting to deal with that right now. I know this is especially for someone today who's reading right now but also truth for the benefit of everyone!

Just about ten minutes before I'm writing this, I went to the bathroom and passed a broken mirror. We have one of those tall 6ft mirrors that is currently shattered from the kids running through the house too fast and knocking it over. I looked and saw my reflection in the dim light and it looked very strange.

And the Lord said...

"This is like the false reflection men see when they see themselves in their own mirror. A mirror Adam and Eve shattered when they chose their own way. That broken mirror isn't a true reflection of who you(we) really are, it's warped. The reflection alone is broken, not the person who looks into it.

I so desire for my children to see how beautiful and precious they are. What they see in this broken mirror is not real. It's not the reality of who they(we) really are. Come my children in look in my mirror who is JESUS. If you see that you look like your father, you'll know you're my own creation and generation. I am pleased to see you look like me and desire you to be full of joy from being like your good father!"

To fulfill our destiny and work in the ministry of reconciliation we are called to participate in, we've got to start looking into His word and accepting who it says we are. In accepting the reality of this truth, we defeat the lie of insignificance and move into His purpose. A holy purpose of drawing all men unto Him and unlocking Joy unspeakable, living the abundant life we are destined to live!

He is seeking you today. See yourself in His mirror and realize that when you feel insignificant, the mirror you've looked into is broken, not you. Know the truth and be set free to be all you are called to be.

Get ready to be used for His glory like never before as we defeat the lie of insignificance through truth, together.

I so deeply love you, as He loves you. We pray for you.

You are an arrow for a specific target. Who's your target today? Go be love to them in the name of Jesus, giving Him all the glory knowing that you are good enough to be used for His purpose because He is good enough and you are hidden in Him.

Look in the mirror of His word today and see that you look like Christ, and go be Christ to the earth. He's seeking you to fill you and use you for His glory. Bear the fruit of Christ that is love to one another, it is the hope of glory.

I bless you in the name of Jesus - Thomas & Mandi + 6 Awesome Boys (one who is in some trouble for breaking my mirror lol).

Thoma Griffin

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