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Recently, I heard the Lord say, “Birth, birth, birth, birth, birth.” As He spoke I could feel the power of the Holy Spirit speaking forth the kairos, appointed time of delivery for many, upon them. I saw many who have been so disillusioned by the paths they have walked this year and many have been feeling like they have ‘missed it’ or ‘don’t understand what’s happening.’ Many have felt like they have been living in a very intense space of battle, and swirling chaos. It was then when I heard the Lord say:

‘There has been great opposition against what I have placed within you, what I am birthing in this hour through you, and against what you will birth and build in all I have appointed you to. You have also been through the rough waters of transition and in the transitional place.

My fire has intensified to bring forth that which is pure and refined as gold. I have been preparing you for such a time as this and brought you into a place of deeper intimacy with Me, where I have continued to solidify and fortify your foundation within Me.

The transition season has been difficult and I have been with you at each and every step. I have not left you, and I have been preparing you for this very moment that you have now entered.

‘For many of you have looked at your season that you have walked and have misinterpreted transition and Refiner’s fire for mistakes. My people, in this time of transition there has been intense shifting and shaking and I am pruning at a level that is deeper than you have known: but many of you have labelled yourselves as ones who have stepped in the wrong direction, missed My leading or failed.

To those of you, I say unto you, you have not missed Me. Your heart is for Me and you have been living before Me in laid down surrender and worship unto Me, and I see your heart of purity before Me to minister unto Me. Many of you have been living under such weight of failure and condemnation and I say unto you, this is NOT from Me. As you have allowed My Spirit to examine your heart in the light of My presence and you have come before Me, you have seen that you have obeyed ALL that I have asked you to do. Yet you have been tormented in disillusionment wondering why it seems that the grace for what was before, seems to no longer be there. My people, that is because I am bringing you into the NEW.

The season has changed. I have new things for you. I have new expressions of My heart and new assignments for you that you are about to see birthed in the coming days, weeks and months. There has been an accelerated, deep refining: and now you shall see the continuation of the multiple births that I have for you, that will now take place in ways and areas that you did not expect. I am expanding your territories and I am flushing out all alignments that would hinder these new assignments.

‘I say unto you, “BIRTH, BIRTH, BIRTH, BIRTH, BIRTH.” I speak this over you FIVE times My people, because there is a NEW LEVEL OF GRACE for you to birth that which I am leading you into. (The number five represents grace.) I am bringing you into deeper realms of intercession, heavenly travail and groan right now, to see what I have placed inside of you COME FORTH. You will no longer be shut down, you will no longer be hindered by what has tried to stop you from coming into this very moment of birthing, and I am causing you to ASCEND like never before. I am causing you to come up higher, with clean hands and a pure heart and I will teach you to war like never before from the high place.

I am inviting you into a realm of understanding my mysteries and strategies, and receiving My divine wisdom that will lead you in the unfamiliar assignments that I have for you.

My people, many of you I see are trying to hold onto old relationships and take everyone with you into all that I have for you and am birthing through you: but there are some that cannot go with you in this hour. The season has changed and it’s time to release. It’s time to go where I am calling you to go, and know that I am bringing those alongside you who can go with you.

Seasons change and those you walk with change: and I am bringing you into a place where you are going to have to lean into Me and My Spirit and wisdom in a way you have not before. You are going to have to live in a place of understanding My voice and My strategy like never before: and there are some who will try and talk you out of My strategy, and they cannot go with you. You continue to love and bless those, but it is time to let go of some relationships that have shifted.

‘Many of you have felt stuck for so long and felt like momentum and movement have been far from you, but I say unto you a new level of grace and empowerment is coming upon you in this birthing. This birthing is going to accelerate you and revive you in a way that you have not known before. Do not mourn what was, and no longer look back: look forward to all that I have for you. For now you are entering into a realm of supernatural empowerment and grace that you have not known. It is going to carry you into realms of seeing My power and authority manifest in and through you and what I call you to put your hands to, that will leave you in awe. You will remember these days you have walked full of mourning, dryness and brokenness no more. You are now coming into context like never before. You will now understand why you have walked what you have walked: for I am raising you up in this hour to carry My glory and see My glory manifested in a whole new way. You must lean in close and listen to My instruction, and not run ahead with excitement and passion. Do not allow excitement and passion to lead you into running ahead of Me, but allow My passion and expectancy to grow within you as you sit before Me and listen to My voice and My instruction. I will teach you and instruct you with each step, how to build that which I am birthing through you in this hour. You MUST remain teachable and dependent upon Me in this hour, for a great sifting and shaking is coming in greater intensity and My glory will rest upon the humble, teachable and dependent places, those that know Me in profession, heart and deed.

“My people, keep your hands open. Hold nothing tightly but Me. For in this birthing that is taking place I am rearranging, and some things you must let go of and allow them to fall to the ground for the season is done and it is over and My grace has lifted. You must release in order to receive the new that I have for you.

Do not get stuck in fear over provision, applause of man, or your own understanding. You must lean deeply into all that I am doing — even when you don’t understand — and obey My leading and command. The pressure has been intense and the birth pangs have felt like, for some of you, that you would not survive them: but I have kept you. But in order to steward My heart and My glory in this hour, you must remain open handed and laid down. The choice to obey Me or man is going to become more real in this hour than ever before. Fear of man will be laid bare on a whole new level.

It’s time to arise and stand and allow Me to birth through you that which I have prepared for you, however it looks. For I am raising you up to the sound of My heart and My ways, not to the sound of the applause of man. I am raising up those who have truly died to self: those who are knowing and following My ways, living in deep humility before Me.

‘Watch the winds of My Spirit accelerate all that I have for you now. Watch the assignments that you shall put your hands to in humility and obedience before Me.

See My Spirit take you into a realm of divine insight and spiritual understanding that you have not known. For this is the hour of My SPECIFIC INSTRUCTION and STRATEGY. Where you have felt like strategy has been far from you — and clouded by attacks of witchcraft, haze and weariness — NOW you shall know the divine intel of My heart and strategies and wisdom from My Word and My heart. You will see all you put your hands to be TERRAINS OF TRANSFORMATION as they become habitations of My glory.’

Lana Vawser


The King Is Coming! Part 5 Let us Unite in Kingly Recognition and Worship \0/` Are you ready to advance your heart towards the King of Kings? In this episode we will dive into scripture as to how we obtain favor with the king through Worship!

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