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The Higher Calling 12 Sessions 50 .00

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Many people have requested this training By Dr. Theresa Phillips

If you have been considering whether or not God is calling you into ministry, this class will be very helpful to you. Over many years, Dr. Theresa Phillips has gathered experience that you can glean from. She has ordained over 200 people. The life of a minister who is called is a joyous one, though not without its challenges. Dr. Phillips knows what is essential for your success and she is committed to sharing that with you so that you can make an empowered choice.

Dr. Theresa Has Ordained over 250 Ministers Around The world She has Been Ordained Her self 5 times.

Independent Assemblies of God International ( She is Regional Director)

Glory Temple 

Renny McLean Ministries

Praise Christian Seminary

CGIA Church Growth International America 

Keep reading to learn what will be covered in the eight weeks of this insightful course.

Some of you will be interviewed for candidates of Ministry at end of the school. 

Plus a Mentorship Program Will Be Offered 

Keep reading to learn what will be covered in the eight weeks of this insightful course. 

 Higher Calling” School of Ministry Dr. Theresa Phillips


8 weeks

Week 1

1 How to Identify The Calling

The Five Fold Offices

A What Type of Ministry or Ministries AM I called to

B The Gender and Age Gap  


Week 2

Where do I start

A. Identify The Call and Callings Part 2 

B  The Servant Heart

1 Biblical Understanding


Week 3

3 Schools Accreditation or Certification

A Mentorship Listening Growing Learning

B Study Guidelines

1Self Discipline

2 Church disciplines

B Practical Practice

1Faith Development


Week 4

Different types of People and Cultures

The Servant's heart

A. Understanding Cultures

 The Language Barrier

B The Protocols Of Others

1 Does it include Family



Week 5

A Remaining Accountable

1 Who we accountable to

2 God Family Church Calling

B Responsibility Vs Rebellion

1 The Local Church Bloom where you are Planted

2 Position in the local assembly

C Authority

1 Addressing elders

Week 6

Seeking The Credential

A Why Seek a Credential

1 Is it for me?

B What does it do for ministry

C Is a Title Important

1 The use of titles and their proper sphere of influence

2 The Art of Honor

A God-Man Vs Self 

Week 7

Stepping into a new role

A Personal Presentation Vs. Imitation

1 Can I do this

B The Truth in Love

1 Dealing with






Week 8

Going into all the world To Preach the Gospel

A Starts at Home Hometown Home church

The 5 Fold Calling

Facing Rejection

Learning to shift in your calling

Doing the Work of The Ministry

Never forget Evangelism


Bonus Teaching and Ceremony For Graduates

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